CPD Social Corner - Prees

CPD Event- Coaching in the Social Corner - Female Players

Wednesday 10th July 2019, 6,30pm - 8.30pm Prees Football Club

Topic | ‘Coaching In The Social Corner’- Female Players

Brief The evening, led by FA Coach Development Officer Jenna Burke-Martin of the Women's High Performance Centre. Supporting your development as a coach within Women's and Girls Football.

The FA Women's High Performance Centres have answered requests for support with delivering sessions focusing on the social corner.  With this in mind, a workshop has been created that will explore how to get social outcomes from sessions as a priority, and how to include more social returns in other sessions.  This will involve both discussions and a practical session delivered by WHPFC staff.

Key workshop benefits:

Gain support in how to develop sessions to get different returns.
Opportunity to network with other coaches in the female game.
Build confidence and knowledge to apply in your coaching environment.

Date | Wednesday 10th July 2019
Venue | Prees Football Club, Brades Road, Prees, Shropshire, SY13 2DX
Time | 6.30pm – 8.30pm
Coach Development Officer: Jenna Burke-Martin - j.burke-martin@bham.ac.uk
Cost |

Register your place here